COMMITTEE MEETING @ 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th Feb 2024
- APOLOGIES and welcome.
Apologies from KW, SB and SA.
Attending LC, MB, RP, SR, DB, GB and DH.
Minutes proposed by Max and seconded by Linda.
Chair – Deb would like to step down as chair and has proposed that Bec take over. Seconded by Susy and Max. Bec accepted.
Vice chair – currently Sarah Bamber. For the next 12 months, Deb will act as vice chair.
Membership secretary – Sarah Bamber to continue.
Treasurer – Linda Cowperthwaite to continue.
Health and safety – Diane Hudson to take over.
Safeguarding – Bec Paul to continue.
Merchandise – Maxine Braithwaite to continue.
Group liaison, minutes secretary and pony club liaison – Kath Wilson to continue.
Ride liaison – Gill Bower to continue.
Equipment officer – ask Sarah Atkinson to take over this role.
Young rider rep – this remains vacant following Lily Gibbon’s departure.
Trophies secretary – Max Braithwaite.
Social media – Susy Rossi and Bec Paul to continue.
Public relations liasion, marketing and newsletter – Susy Rossi to continue (PR liaison new this year in line with the groups’ constitution).
Website – Bec Paul to continue with potential to train Sarah Atkinson.
- TREASURERS DISCUSSION and report on finances
In the bank – £1627.04. This is following awards and rosettes expenses. Need to reorder 2 rosettes for awards as corrections. LC to look into direct debit for website to see what exactly we’re paying for. If we run a ride in March, we will begin to get some income in this quarter. £13 for members and £22 for non-members. Gillian Bower to check all rides on clubhouse have the correct ride fees i.e. no try before you buy. We need to look into what we charge for both pony club members and riding club members. Deb to look into this. Proposal to charge £13 for members, £15 for club members and £22 for non-members. Ride organisers will need to specify this to clubhouse when entering rides.
53 members – 36 full and 17 associate members currently.
Ride organisers need to ensure that parental consent forms are signed before the young rider rides the event. Bec has created a folder with spare sheets for parental consent and health and safety incidents to live with ride organisers equipment.
Susy is on with the current newsletter and will be posting images on social media too. On track for 3 newsletters this year.
Susy is proposing we make the website a separate agenda item alongside data storage etc.
Max has put an order in for merchandise today. Susy has requested images of merchandise to share on social media. Max will send these images across.
Payments – Max has the bank details for Lancs so that people can pay by bank transfer.
- PROGRESSION OF EVENTS – including both reviews and progress of plans, rides, reviews etc.
First ride down as the 24th March 2024 – shorter route of 18km. Venue is secured and Becca will first aid. They need the insurance policy from Deb.
Linda and Susy are going to take over the Waterside Parishes Ride from Angela Leadbetter.
Rides must open 6 weeks before for Lancs members only then 5 weeks before the ride for everyone else.
Kath not present in this meeting.
Deb followed up on the non-riding membership there is a contradiction between the website/handbook and the groups’ constitution. Deb to follow up on this. Need to ensure that non-riding members can form part of the committee.
- Date of next meeting
Tuesday 19th March at 7:30pm
@ 7.30pm on Tuesday 25th July 2023
- Attendees – Deb Bennett, Bec Paul, Susy Rossi, Sarah Bamber, Diane Hudson, Max Braithwaite and Gill Bower
- Apologies – Linda Cowperthwaite, Kath Wilson and Lily Gibbons
- Diane Hudson has been co-opted onto committee as we have the space available. This is a trial for 6 months and she will put herself forward using the usual process at the AGM if she wishes to remain on committee.
- Went through the minutes and actions from the previous meeting 23.5.23
- Minutes proposed by Bec Paul and seconded by Max Braithwaite.
- Actions arising: Deb spoke to head office about the amber rating in the RAG rating of groups and head office said that most groups were given amber. EGB do not seem concerned about this rating, so we intend to continue as we were unless we are informed otherwise.
- Flu vacs – confusion around the policy. Bec to email head office to find out about 4-year policy. Deb has discovered that you can email a photograph of your flu vac and email it to head office – this may be easier for people.
3. TREASURERS DISCUSSION and report on finances
Notes from Linda:
- Balance in the bank as of 25.7.23 is £3418.78 this does not include Littleborough expenses yet.
- Second quarter returns sent to EGB, and no response has been made.
- Direct debit for web hosting has gone from £12 to £20.44 per month. Linda has emailed Cath Houghton to enquire about this.
- Linda has ordered another 200 rosettes.
- Linda will sort expenses for Littleborough this week.
- Linda will sort refunds for inter-regionals this week.
Sarah Bamber reported that we currently have:
- 60 members (+5 since May)
- 16 associate members (+2 since May)
- 44 full members (+3 since May)
- 44 horses registered for ride cards
- Nothing to report.
- Pictures have been received from Bec. Susy is hoping to finish the newsletter this week.
- Agreed that we mention fundraising for Linda in the newsletter.
- Suggestion of a raffle where Linda/Team H offer training/services/talk to support members. Bec has offered support in creating a virtual and in-person presentation.
- Tack swap shop as a social event with all groups – could tie into presentation by Linda/Evelyn. Aim for late Oct/Nov. Susy to put a poll on Facebook to get ideas from members.
- Bec to ask Linda to take pictures at Barton on check point 1.
- Bec mentioned that Beth Eastham may be happy to take on equine photography as of 2024.
- Nothing to report – no progress.
- Gill mentioned someone local to her who could produce merchandise. Bit too far from Max.
- Bec mentioned Mary Francis in Longridge – Max said she’ll go on Thursday 27th July. This is easier for Max to access.
- Max to follow up with the man in Gisburn. Max will also look into caps and bobble hats.
9. PROGRESSION OF EVENTS – including both reviews and progress of plans, rides, reviews etc.
- Most recent ride was Littleborough Leg Stretch run by Sarah Bamber. 34 entries with some withdrawals on the day. £704 in entry fees and £161 in expenses. £66 raised on Bottle Tombola at Watergrove and £44 raised on Bottle Tombola at Littleborough.
- Next ride on the list is Barton Ride run by Bec Paul. Currently 48/60 people signed up this is up from 35 last year. Bec is promoting the Bottle Tombola for Barton across social media and will add it to ride information.
- Waterside Parishes run by Angela Leadbetter has 16/50 signed up currently – lower than usual. Bec will chat with Angela about promoting it and making posters to promote at Barton. No Bottle Tombola here as this is a charity ride for the church.
- Croft Top Cracker run by Gill Bower– venue booked for 9th September. It should be appearing on clubhouse ASAP. Gill has asked that we ask for helpers on social media.
- This will be a topic to discuss again in August when we should know if the Blackburn pony club have been successful in getting to HOYS. If they have not, then the idea is to run an endurance taster event for riders in Oct.
11. AOB
- Awards Do 2023 (to be held Jan 2024) Whitebull at Gisburn have 4 rooms outside and 4 bedrooms. Max hasn’t been able to see Adam yet. Right on the A59, end of the M65 ish. Glamping pods nearby (potentially expensive).
- Bec suggests Grimsargh Club just off the M6 with Premier Inn nearby.
- Susy suggests Guys Thatched Hamlet on the A6 and near M6. Rooms available.
- Bec, Max and Susy to organise this. Potentially 20th or 27th January.
- To be added to the agenda for the next meeting.
- Encouraging new members to be added to agenda for the next meeting.
- Lily Gibbons to decide if she wants to remain the young representative on the committee. Gill Bower to get in touch with Lily.
Date of next meeting
- 12th September 2023 @ 7:30pm
Previous Years Minutes can be found Here
2021/22 AGM Zoom Meeting 8th February 2022
AGM Zoom Meeting February 2022
2019/20 AGM minutes (to be loaded later) – 2019/20 – Chair Report
Fullscreen Mode2018/19 AGM minutes – 2018/19 – Chair Report
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